Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My Sick Brain

I'd like to post about something serious that effects more people than you would think.  Depression. 

My right-wing father thinks that depression and depression medications were something that was made up by the government to control people.  So right off the bat, I have no sympathy from my family.  Depression is a serious medical condition.  Yet there's no disability.  We're supposed to push our chemical imbalance aside and function as normal members of society.  And the drug companies?  Effexor, a drug I was on until recently, costs $324 for a month's  worth at my local Walmart pharmacy (no insurance).  I thought this medicine was supposed to help depression, not make it worse with it's impossible prices.

Effexor- don't ever take it.  It's a harsh medication to be on.  Makes you gain weight, makes you tired and lethargic (sometimes I would go to bed at 10pm and wake up around 11am and I would still be sleepy), and takes away any sexual pleasure.  That's right, anti-depressants effect your sex drive.

So the Dr. put me on Welbutren.  Said it would make me less tired and take away some of my appitite.  However, possible side effects include seizures.  The chance of seizure is increased by alcohol, or taking something as simple and harmless as a decongestiant.  Worth it?  Probably not.

Withdrawl- Effexor withdrawl is one of the worst things to ever go through.  I'm dizzy, I'll cry at the drop of a hat for no good reason, I have what are known as "brain ticks," and I'm starting to get violent and a bit suicidal.  I've had to take a leave of absense from my job; not a good thing as I'm broker than broke right now (account is over-withdrawn).  But could you imagine a customer (all of them are a pain, all the time) simply asking where something is, and me answering by throwing something at their head, screaming "Find it yourself!!" and curling up into a  ball and crying?  Not a good senario.

"Just suck it up."  Said by my mom and brother who are on vacation right now.  It's extremely difficult for me to control emotions ON the medication, and I can't control anything right now.

"Just suck it up."  No one understands what I've gone through mentally and what I'm going through now.  So please, if you know someone that deals with depression be patient, be forgiving, and for the love of God, try to sympathize.

1 comment:

  1. I understand where your coming from. I've lived with depression since I was a young girl. Those who have never experienced the overwhelmingly sad and hopeless feeling, almost like one is grieving!...for no reason at all..will never understand. When people say to "snap out of it"..don't you think I would if I could or find the way to do that? Do you think I enjoy this?
    I as well for the last 5 weeks have been coming off of an antidepressant and the side effects have been horrible.
    I understand where your at. Your not alone. ;0)
